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First Step towards model-free, anonymous object tracking with recurrent neural networks


Video list

YouTube gave me a community guideline strike for one of our video, still appealing and waiting for result so I have to temporarily post our videos on GitHub. They'll be migrated to YouTube later.

The videos are at:

  1. ConvTracker
  2. RecTracker-ID on single moving object
  3. RecTracker-ID on multiple moving object
  4. RecTracker-Att-1 on single object, with attention displayed
  5. RecTracker-Att-1 on multiple object, with attention displayed
  6. RecTracker-Att-1 on multiple object, with mask displayed
  7. RecTracker-Att-3 on multiple object, with mask displayed


Quan Gan, Qipeng Guo (Fudan University) Zheng Zhang (NYU Shanghai) KyungHyun Cho (NYU)